services-2services-1services-1Services at Longhorsley Mission


11.00 am Family Service

This is an all age service the duration of which is one hour. The service is followed by a time of informal fellowship with the provision of tea, coffee and biscuits.

Children attending the Family Service may attend the Sunday School which is held at approximately 11.20am in the church hall.

1st Sunday of the month

6.00 pm Prayer and Fellowship

3rd Sunday of the month

5.30 pm Prayer followed by Ministry
6:00 pm Evening Service

The evening services are structured so they can be a bible study or ministry.

On the first Sunday of each month we meet for light refreshments at 6pm and the service of one hour is devoted to a time of prayer.

All visitors are welcome to join us on these occasions.


9.30 am Toddler Group

(School term time only)


10.45 am Women Together
(formerly Ladies Fellowship)

This meeting is a time of fellowship with a short talk.


3.15 – 4:30 pm After School Bible Club

For children aged 4–9 years in the Side Hall

This meeting is held during term times and is suspended during the summer months.

For more information contact:

01670 788263 or email: