ActivitiesActivitiesActivitiesActivitiesActivities at Longhorsley Mission

 Toddler Group

Over the years many parents, guardians and their little ones have enjoyed sharing time together over tea, coffee and home made cakes every Tuesday. As a natural course we have seen this group change as the little ones grow up, but we have been encouraged to see many of the children go on to attend Bible Club.

Women Together

(formerly Ladies Fellowship)

The Ladies Fellowship began meeting in the 1950s and ladies come from other fellowships in the surrounding areas and from the village. There is a Guest Speaker each week and over the years the Gospel and the Word of God has been faithfully preached.

All ladies are welcome to join us at 10.45 am on Thursday mornings for a time of fellowship and light refreshments.

Prayer Meeting

This meeting is a very important part of the life of the church.

On the third Sunday of the month we meet together at 5:30pm prior to our evening service, and seek to encourage one another in the Christian Faith. This is a time for open prayer.

On the first Sunday each month we meet at 6.00pm for one hour of prayer followed by family fellowship.

On the second and fourth Sundays of the month we meet at 10:15am, prior to our morning service.

Friday Clubs

After School Bible Club

Fridays from 3:15 – 4:30 pm for children aged 4-9 years

This meeting is held during school term times and is suspended during the summer months.