Church Services, Activities & 2024 Events

Please find a summary of details below for our Sunday services and weekly church activities.

Church Services

Our Family Service takes place every Sunday morning at 11.00 am, followed by a time of refreshments & fellowship.

Sunday Evening worship takes place 6.00 pm on the first and third Sundays of the month.

First Sunday of the month: we meet for refreshments and the service is devoted to a time of prayer

Third Sunday of the month: we meet for prayer (5:30 pm) followed by the evening service


Prayer Meetings

On the third Sunday of the month we meet together at 5:30pm prior to our evening service, and seek to encourage one another in the Christian Faith. This is a time for open prayer.

On the first Sunday each month we meet at 6.00pm for one hour of prayer followed by family fellowship.

On the second and fourth Sundays of the month we meet at 10:15am, prior to our morning service


Church Activities

Our weekly programme of church activities includes:

Tuesday 9.30 am – Toddler Group (School term time only)

Thursday 10.45 am – Women Together

Friday 3:15 – 4:30 pm – After School Bible Club


Bible Convention 

God willing we will be holding this year’s Annual Bible Convention on 6th & 7th July 2024. For more details and speaker information click here >>

Thank you for your support.

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